Foreigner procedures

Formalities and procedures

Family residence card citizen C.U.

Document designed to identify the foreigner for the purposes of establishing their legal status in Spain.

The members of the family of a citizen of a state member of the EU, of a state party to the Agreement on the eea or Switzerland, which holds the nationality of one of those states, when you or meet with him, may reside in Spain for a period exceeding three months, still subject to the obligation to seek and obtain a residence card "family of a citizen of the union.

  • Document designed to identify the foreigner for the purposes of establishing their legal status in Spain. The members of the family of a citizen of a state member of the EU or of a state party to the eea agreement holds no nationality one of those states, when you or meet with him, may reside in Spain for a period exceeding three months, still subject to the obligation to seek and obtain a residence card "family of a citizen of the european".
  • Classes and typologies
    • Initial card.
    • Permanent residence card.
  • Who are concerned?
    • Relatives of a citizen of the european Union or of another state party to the European Economic Agreement, or swiss confederation, when you or meet with him, with the specificities of the rules of procedure, spouse, partner, parents and children.
  • Period of validity
    • 5 years. (initial Card).
    • 10 years. (permanent Residence card).

Model forms

All formalities and procedures of foreigner