Private security procedures

Formalities and procedures

Authorization, modification and cancellation of private security companies and their delegations.

Application for commencement, modification or termination of companies dedicated to the provision of services of private security or of delegations of companies formed security.

  • Authorize to provide services and activities of security companies. Modifications Registration, Cancellations of companies and Delegations at their request.
  • Classes and typologies

    The activities to be developed at the state OR autonomous community and are:

    • The monitoring and protection of goods, facilities, places and events, both public and private, as well as persons who may be found in the same.
    • The support, defence and protection of natural persons, including those that holds the legal status of authority.
    • The deposit, custody, counting and classification of coins and notes, títulos-valores, jewellery, precious metals, antiques, works of art or other objects that, in terms of their economic, historical and cultural expectations, and that will generate, may require special protection and monitoring.
    • The deposit and custody of explosives, arms, metallic cartuchería, substances, materials, goods and any objects that by hazard monitoring and require special protection.
    • Transport and distribution of the objects referred to in the preceding two paragraphs.
    • The installation and maintenance of equipment, appliances, devices and security systems connected to security centres or control or video surveillance.
    • The operation of power for the connection, reception, verification and, where appropriate, response and transmission of the warning signs, as well as the monitoring of any signs of aids to the safety of humans, movable or immovable property or compliance with measures imposed, and the communication to the security forces and bodies competent in these cases.
  • Who are concerned?
    • You can access the procedure any physical OR legal interest in the creation, modification or cancellation of a private security company OR of their delegations, as long as is legally authorized.
  • Requirements
    • In line with listed in attachment.
    • Duties: No criminal record.
    • Company: Constitution of bail.
  • Period of validity
    • The validity of the authorization granted, will be indefinite, as long as the company is in place OR do not miss any of the requirements which prompted its authorization.
  • Person. Go
    • To refer the application for leave to UCSP, accompanied by documentation prescriptive.
    • In any unit of private security, both Central National Territorial Police according to the Province OR place of residence.

  • To refer the application for leave to UCSP, accompanied by documentation prescriptive.
  • In any unit of private security, both the Central and Territorial integrity of the national police force according to the province OR place of residence.
Model forms
  • Prior authorization. Opens new window
  • Statement of responsibility. Opens new window
  • Rate, amount and place of payment
    • Model 790 in rate annexed document. Opens new window
    • In favour of the treasury, in the bank or savings account restricted; partners of the state agency for tax administration (Copy "Copy for the administration"). This model will be facilitated in police stations and should be completed with the corresponding information.