
Police record

  • Citizens' rights

    • Article 18.4 of the Spanish Constitution recognizes the fundamental right to protection of personal data. This procedure is designed to publicize the mechanism, in the area of the ministry of internal affairs, on the exercise of the rights that the existing legislation accords to citizens.

      The rights listed below are extremely personal and independent, so that the exercise of one is not a prerequisite for the exercise of the other, to be regulated in the organic law 7/2021, of 26 may, for the protection of personal data treated for prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal offences and on the execution of criminal sanctions.

      The exercise by the affected their rights will be free of charge.

  • General procedure

    • The exercise of the rights of access and removal of police record must be carried out by sending a request to the file manager for the management of vetting of police interest (PERPOL), which shall include:
      • Name and surname of the person concerned.
      • Identification of the electronic medium, or, alternatively, physical location you want to practise notification (while providing e-mail to receive notice of the shipment or making available the notification).
      • Facts, reasons and request that is established, clearly, the request, with the input, where appropriate, of the documents supporting the request made.
      • Date and place.
      • Signature of the applicant or accreditation of the authenticity of the willingness expressed by any means.
      • Body, or administrative unit.
      • If an application does not fulfil the requirements specified, the cure.
  • Ways to exercise rights

    • The application together with the documentation that should accompany them shall be submitted, in the area of the national police, in any police station or through National means and ways provided for in article 16 (4) of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations (electronic register, post offices, diplomatic or consular offices of Spain in the foreigner, offices for assistance for search, any other established by the provisions in force).
  • Performance through representative

    • May exercise rights through:
      • Legal representative, if the person concerned is in disability or age that renders the personal exercise of these rights, in which case it will be necessary to the accreditation of such status.
      • Voluntary representative expressly designated for the exercise of the law. In this case, shall be clearly recognized identity and representation conferred by him.
  • Communication with the applicant

    • Will take place through the nearest Police Unit to the address indicated at the request for the purposes of notification.