Sede Electrónica

National identity document-

The national identity document ( ID ), issued by the national police force presidium (Ministry of Interior), this document provides, for more than 50 years, the identity, personal data that it features and the spanish nationality.

With the arrival of the information society and the widespread use of the Internet makes it necessary to adapt the crediting mechanisms of the personality to the new reality and an effective tool that moves into the digital world the same certainties with which we operate every day in the physical world. To respond to these new needs is born a national Electronic identity card (DNIe), similar to traditional and whose main feature is that incorporates a small integrated circuit (chip), able to store and process information internally.

The national identity document changes its traditional support (cardboard mesh) by a plastic card with new and enhanced security measures. This new version of the national identity card we refer as ID email.

As the ID electronic replacing go ID traditional and are in place new applications, we can use it to:

  • Signed purchases via the Internet
  • To complete formalities with public administrations at any time and without having to travel or queuing
  • Transactions with banks
  • Access to the building where we work
  • Use safely our personal computer
  • Participating in a conversation with the certainty that our counterpart is who he claims to be

If you would like more information about the DNIe, characteristics and use, you can get it through the official website of the ID electronic .